Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hello, Dia duit, and Salut, Everyone!

 Welcome to my first blog post.  Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Keely and I am a girl between three countries; the USA, Ireland, and France.  I've decided to write a blog chronicling my journeys in each of these places.  Starting September 8th 2010 I will be leaving the USA and traveling to Europe, ultimately ending up in France to teach English for 7 months.  After my stint in France, I'll be in graduate school in Ireland.  After that...who knows?  I'm an American with Irish ancestry who speaks French.  I am proud of my own country, but am deeply in love with Ireland and my Irish heritage, and also have developed a passion and affinity for France and the French language.  As a 22 year old recent college graduate with my whole life ahead of me, I wonder, in which of these three places will I end up?  Or is it possible that I will always live as a nomad between all three?  All that remains to be seen.  In the meantime  while I figure it out, I invite you to continue reading my blog, leave comments, and hopefully enjoy my writing and maybe learn something new about American, Irish, and French culture...or simply about me and my musings :-) 

Cheers, Keely

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