Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Keep flying the plane, kid"

Hi folks,

      I see it's been months since my last post. Not shocking since I tend to write with the best of intentions to keep a regular schedule, then proceed to write a couple blog entries days apart only to drop off the planet shortly thereafter. Well, this time I won't promise anything. Or even say maybe I'll be better this time. I'll just write when I have the urge and post accordingly. There, that's out of the way.

     Life has thrown some curve balls lately. Balls, bombs, shrapnel...the kitchen name it. And I hate to report I've kind of "let the terrorists win". Losing oneself in negativity is never good and I very possibly have just saved myself from sinking further. Although as of late my life has been built on one step forward, two steps back, I still have a lot of good things going on. I still have Scorpio, I still have a house to live in, I still have my friends, my bestie is getting married to a great guy, and despite some significant and all too frequent arguments lately, my Mom and I are still joined at the hip. It's always amazing what a change in attitude and effective communication can do. No one (in my inner circle) is dying or has a serious health problem, no one is on the street. Somehow, talking to my dad of all people seemed to do the trick in giving me a strong dose of perspective and the leg up I've needed (perhaps I'll dedicate another post about why this is a rather surprising phenomenon). I don't know when or why I let go of my perspective on things, but the conversation I had with my dad really snapped some things into focus.

      Imagine if I were born in 1942. Countries are being occupied and/or wiped out, an entire population of people is being exterminated daily, the world economy is in the toilet, and people back home Stateside are saving rubberbands and cans to help the war effort. Jobs? Pffft every able bodied male was sent to fight and every able bodied woman was sent to a factory or was receiving foodstamps from the government. It must have felt like the end of the world! How could it not with all that going on? But ya know what, people endured, people still managed to find ways to be happy, babies were still being born, children still played. I've been so stuck on the clouds that I started looking for them instead of the silver linings. I've been in a fog. But just as my love life over the past year and a half has been one shitstorm after another that has been cleared away and stabilized, so too will the job shitstorm. I believe it now. I believe it. I believe it. I believe it! "Keep flying the plane, kid", my dad said in reference to a tough piloting experience he had flying through thunderstorms. And so I will.

     As for Scorpio, I can't thank him enough for sticking by me through my crazy. While there has certainly been venting and frustration from both of us, there has remained constant respect and love for everyone on all sides. Trying times test character and it's under pressure where you either crack or persevere. So far we endure and I couldn't be more grateful, proud, and honored to have him in my life. Now that things are calming down, I look forward to getting back to going on new adventures, creating memories, and building our relationship into something even more beautiful and sacred than it already is. I love and appreciate you so much, Scorpio!

 Positivity, Love, and Light over fear, discouragement, and despair. Character over Personality. Enlightenment over Ego.

Be well,

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